Two have already filed to run for Parkville mayor
A three-year term as mayor is one of the offices up for election in the spring at the City of ...
A three-year term as mayor is one of the offices up for election in the spring at the City of ...
Here we are back at it at The Landmark, printing on an accelerated schedule for the fourth consecutive week. Two ...
Below is a complete copy of the Parkville Mayor Nan Johnston's written response to the Ethics Complaint and Petition for ...
If you’ve read some of the week-by-week comments, you’ll notice that local musician and Landmark Live personality Brad Carl has ...
It's Thanksgiving Week. Though it adds to the early-week work load around a weekly newspaper, it's one of my favorite ...
Dave Rittman, Parkville alderman, is kind of a quirky dude. I know him a little bit but not well. I ...
Chairman says 'at a standstill till we get two more members' A Parkville commission, charged with investigating complaints about city ...
To the Parkville Board of Alderman, Parkville Staff and Mayor Nan Johnston: The resounding no vote against the use tax ...
Another unsolicited, unpaid Between the Lines endorsement: It's hard to go wrong with most barbecue places in and around KC, ...
Parkville voters made a loud statement at the ballot box on Tuesday. They curb-stomped the city's use tax proposal, with ...
In response to a complaint about the mayor Next week, the Parkville Ethics Commission will meet for the first time ...
Position currently held by Nan Johnston Saying his campaign will focus on experience and integrity, the current chairman of the ...
It's a no bones day, people, and that means that I can't bother myself with coherent thought and I'm just ...
Resident says she doubts committee will take action The Parkville resident who last week filed a complaint with the city's ...
EDITOR: Just read the latest actions by the City of Parkville and led by the "headline grabbing" Mayor Nan Johnston. ...
Investigative subpoena issued to the city The Platte County Sheriff's Department is conducting an investigation into potential criminal activities at ...
Below is a complete copy of the Ethics Complaint and Petition for Removal filed against Parkville Mayor Nan Johnston with ...
Detailed filing alleges many code of conduct violations A Parkville resident has filed a formal and detailed complaint with the ...
As reported in last week's Landmark, Parkville City Administrator Joe Parente has announced he will retire in 2022. Parente has ...
If you're playing along at home, here's how your scorecard for Parkville Mayor Nan Johnston should look now: *Criminal convictions: ...