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45 Years Ago–Nov. 11, 1979

Two west central Missouri Extension specialists were honored by their co-workers at a recent annual training conference at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Bob Heitmeyer, youth specialist, Sedalia, received a distinguished service award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents....

30 Years Ago–Nov. 4, 1994

Approximately 380 acres of the prettiest land around, located three miles north of Platte City on the west side of Hwy. 371, has been designated the Guy B. Park Conservation Area, after the former Missouri governor from Platte County. The...

15 Years Ago–Nov. 11, 2009

Platte City Mayor Frank Offutt announced on Thursday that after much consideration and interviewing several candidates, he has chosen former alderman John C. Higgins as his nomination to replace Aaron Jung, who recently resigned as a member of the board...

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