A proposed change to county code pertaining to criminal penalties for violation of a health order.
Tags: platte county
A proposed change to county code pertaining to criminal penalties for violation of a health order.
Ivan Foley, longtime owner/publisher of the Platte County Landmark, is a past winner of the national Gish Award for courage, tenacity and integrity in rural journalism, presented by the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues at the University of Kentucky. He lives in Platte County not far from KCI Airport.
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Thanks for live streaming this!
I wish that the sound was better, louder
Can’t hear
Agree, John Sandt! Poor sound quality, muddy! They need to speak into the microphone!
Unable to hear audio portion…
Can’t hear but OPEN UP NOW!!!
Can my tax dollars go to better production value? This audio sucks.
The Landmark is not paid for byyour tax dollars.
social distancing does not apply to the microphone, speak into the mic!!!
Thanks for the live stream.
No change needed
I’m guessing they are creating and increasing fines so they can get more revenue?? Is that what this is? Capitalizing on Covid?
Zhon Michael Burns please do your research before you say something like that. Today’s meeting had nothing to do with the Platte County Commissioners levying fines. It was about the Platte County Health Department’s ability to levy fines against anybody who defies the current orders. The commissioners met today to provide some oversight for that. Not to levy fines.
Kelly Cleveland Fricker it wasn’t an unreasonable question to ask considering recent events. I was listening live and there was no closed captions and the sound was unqualified. But thank you for your suggestion. As you might notice I had a comment later on when I did hear some words of reason. I can at least thank you for your polite criticism.
Zhon Michael Burns you’re welcome. There are too many people out there spouting off about things they have no idea what they’re talking about. Do your research before you speak.
Kelly Cleveland Fricker
Thank you for your clarification you have brought a very calm and excellent interpretation of what is happening….
Bill, I believe t is Bob Shaw, legal counsel for Platte County..
So hard to hear… I think I hear words of reason…
sound is really bad can’t hear
Can you ask them to speak into their microphone?
I cannot hear what’s being said.
Can’t hear
In high income counties like Platte County, recessions have been shown to reduce mortality rates (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00210-0)
The economic mortality connection that was just proposed does not exist in our area
That statement is a gross understatement.
Because we have been self distancing.
The morality rate for healthy people under the age of 65 is statistically different than zero. It’s about .7 to 1.3 %, which would result in the deaths of 758 to 1352 people if everyone in Platte County gets infected.
Brody J Smith quote your source. Here’s mine. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/
Brody J Smith By the way, assuming everyone in Platte County gets it is absurd. After all this time we have 66 cases.
Hi, the link you sent shows that the death rate for the category of people under 65 is 0.8, which is in line with the estimates that I’ve made in my model. You can average the percentages and see for yourself. Granted, it’s unweighted, but that’s how I value human lives. Each one is worth the same as they’re all created equal by our creator.
And yes, to say everyone will be infected in a short timeframe is absurd. It will happen gradually over time and the spread will only really stop once herd immunity has been reached either through infection or vaccine which can occur anywhere between 70-90 prevalence rate. We can save lives by slowing the spread.
Brody J Smith I think you meant MORTALITY rate!
John Erickson I mean, if we are being pedantic, the epidemiological term is case fatality rate.
Listen to the medical professionals. Not the “I’m not a doctor, but…”
The commissioners need to stay in their own lane.
I’m here Ivan Foley
Teresa Hills
Board Vice Chair
R. Kent Jackson
Board Chair
These are found on the website and clearly declared. The lack of transparency argument is a farce, a cover up for the uninformed speech happening right now
Brody J Smith I listed everybody who’s on that Board of Trustees. I know their names are available on the Platte County Health Department website. That phone number is a general office number. But I would also like to know what their credentials are. Wouldn’t you?
Brody J Smith there are three other members by the way. And because nobody is running against the 2 whose terms expire this year, they will not show up on the election ballot in June. That lacks transparency to me.
Brody J Smith get informed. Do you know how the board is elected? Do you know the length of the director’s term? Do you know about the board’s ability to have a “non-election”? Do you know the term length for each board member? What is the background of our Health Director? How about the 5 board members? Uninformed speech, you say?
Hi, I guess it’s just me, but I’ve connected with many members of the board and know their background. I am with you that making their diverse background and exceptional qualifications more public.
I’m also with you on increasing the transparency of the election, but that’s an administrative processes that should be taken up with the election commission. I was mostly upset that individuals at the health department were recipient of the transparency comments when their phone numbers are available for anyone to call.
Its time to gather as a herd!
BTW…people of ALL ages can have underlying medical conditions.
Wow, money rules
Phillip Wilson what money??
You obviously didn’t watch live.
That statement is a lie!
Stop listening to fox
Phillip Wilson that is a ridiculous statement. Why do you assume that people with a different opinion are getting all of their information from a news channel? I don’t watch the news. Critical thinking is key.
Social distancing worked and the statistics are proof of such. Not the other way around.
Money doesn’t rule.. commonsense does
County ordinance can’t override state statute
It is not reasonable to think the health department will shutdown everything unless it was an extremely dire situation. To suggest otherwise smacks of a power grab by a small faction.
have a choice… Stay home
Zona already was a ghost town
Civil unrest – maybe they should just take a knee.
I just can’t fathom the mindset of “we can let people die, but not businesses”
Brody J Smith businesses are people. Do you think that the statistics regarding suicide rates when unemployment rises are false? And other severe health conditions? How many people in Platte County have died?
Hi, businesses aren’t people. I understand people pour their lives into them. As son and brother of serial entrepreneurs, I’ve seen this first hand.
In high income areas, like Platte County, recessions actually decrease the mortality rate. I’ve posted the link elsewhere in this thread. Feel free to take a look.
Beyond that, I really do believe that our entrepreneurs are people capable of bouncing back. Many of them started with nothing and can very well do it again. I don’t know of anyone that bounces back from the grave.
Ah, it was right below this post: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00210-0
Go to their office.
Please enforce 3 minutes
No one wearing masks
That’s just what I was saying. No masks
And leaning in to whisper, great social distancing. There’s your first fine
They have already made up their minds it is not necessary.
I will continue to wear mine
Shit I see a mask
Camera has the jitters
Think about Philidelphia during the spanish flu compared to St. Louis
We are discontinuing live coverage soon. For continuing live coverage go to https://youtu.be/Y75hJbrzNZE
St Louis instituted quarantine and saved thousands of lives while Philadelphia held a parade and thousands died
Small town politics is where Federal govt has its roots. Any wonder we have criminality and stupidity in DC?
In the end, the commission voted on a dangerous precendent, attempting to limit the power of our county health officials to keep us safe. Luckily, the health department orders of quarantine are provided power under the bylaws of the state.
Some day, when Platte County faces an even more deadly virus, this will hinder our response. This is budding bureaucracy, which unlike the presiding commisioner said today, increases coast and decreases democracy.
I heard the Platte County Health Department is now going to start inspecting restaurants to make sure they are cooking and serving food in a healthy manner. What an infringement on our rights to inspect restaurants…taking our freedoms away daily.
Brian Martorana Don’t Tread On My Right to Go To a Disgusting Applebee’s!!!
Brian Martorana wait,,, that has been a practice for some years for good reason
I quit listening when the first speaker started quoting religious figures.
Where were all of you today?
Cannot hear. Not worth the effort to guess.
Thanks for live streaming the meeting! Much appreciated, despite the poor audio quality.
Marissa Becker Casey Becker Courtney Snow
Jon Haiduk