Apparently if the Chiefs win the Super Bowl this weekend, Kansas City officials have deemed it safe enough to have a parade but not safe enough to have a rally. Holy “Covid Logic”! This is the new reality that just makes people with common sense shake their heads in disbelief at government. It is a tragedy that people died as the result of criminals in our midst at the last Super Bowl rally, and the danger remains at relatively the same level as before the crimes, yet government thinks they have a mitigation or solution to every dumb criminal that walks among us. They don’t, and any talk that they did this for your safety is nonsense and more institutional virtue signaling than any attempt to make you safer.
I have never been to a championship parade. Probably never will. The urge to witness it is typically crushed by my overwhelming desire not to be in close proximity to random people.
I’ve been thinking about television weather people lately. Mostly because I don’t care for their winter message, but I do appreciate some of the locals. I do not catch many of them on television, but I do see clips on social media and here’s my take:
Joe Lauria is the best pick if you are doing a deep dive on the weather. If you’re feeling a little nerdy and want to blame the weather for your knee hurting, then catch Joe’s blogs, he gives you way more than you need.
Neville Miller on KMBC is my “just be clear and concise” weather guy. No frills weather reporting that I like.
Katie Horner is my “let’s chuckle at the weather a bit” personality. She is the restaurant server who suggests a wine to pair with your cheeseburger. “It’s going to rain, don’t forget to wear muck boots if you are picking up dog poo in the morning,” type stuff.
Gary Lezak is no longer on the local airwaves but is active on social media and is a solid long term weather guy as well and the best for mixing weather and football interests.
By the way, your knee does not hurt because of the weather, it hurts because of the extra 20 pounds above it. I am not a medical doctor though, seek a professional opinion.
Truth be known, I’m not any kind of doctor, medical or otherwise. Pass it along.
My biggest Chiefs prediction? If they win, Travis walks into retirement, immediately after putting a ring on it at the on-field celebration, completely melting down the entire anti-Swiftie crowd and contributing to the “the NFL is rigged” crowd. It would be a stunning end to this unbelievable run of domination by Kansas City and set Travis on a path for financial success that makes football salaries look miniscule. Travis is probably going to be richer than Mahomes if this all happens. His current net worth is estimated at $90 million, remarkably similar to what is reported for Mahomes. Kids and unemployed brothers are expensive, folks, Pat going to have to get a side gig to keep up.
(Guy Speckman can be reached providing free, unqualified medical advice)