The Platte City Volunteer Fire Department responded to a report of a car on fire at the Bello Mondo Apartments at approximately 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 3. The car, a 1974 Oldsmobile Toronado owned by Ronald Searcy, was in flames when the firemen arrived. Fire Captain Steve Hardesty reported that the fire destroyed the front half of the car. No cause of the fire has yet been determined.
A tobacco barn on the Robert Jones farm near the railroad tracks on Hwy. J was destroyed by fire early Monday morning. Part of the tobacco had been stripped and taken to market but here was still some in the barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moppin of Platte City announce the birth of their son, Patrick Lindsey, on Jan. 5.
Mrs. Agnes Mason of Weston announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Patty Goodpaster, to Leonard N. Hone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hone of Camden Point.
Manley Thompson has announced the opening of the Thomson Title Corporation in Platte City. The office will be located in the front of the Farm Bureau building at Fourth and Main. Thomson, formerly of the Sentry Title Corporation for 22 years, has served with that company in Platte City for 12 years. Home office for the company is in Liberty.