I’m looking forward to the opportunity to cast a vote in support of the Platte County R-3 School District’s well-developed and progressive plan to reimagine and modernize the learning environment at the high school, doing so with no need to raise the existing tax levy. Leadership’s ability to assess the options and generate support for a fiscally responsible approach in line with community feedback deserves praise.
As with any recent bond issue, opposition tries to distract from the facts. The ideas of renovation and ongoing upkeep or saving funds to avoid acquiring more debt sound appealing but have no true viability when analyzed. Maintenance on an aging facility ends up costing more and only delays the inevitable for buildings built decades ago in an era no longer aligned with modern needs; with ongoing economic volatility and escalation of construction costs, the ability to lock in the current price through responsible use of financing options is the only answer.
This can and should include utilization of this district’s bonding capacity, which remains healthy and well within state-mandated guidelines in place to protect taxpayers.
The Platte County R-3 School District continues to make conservative estimates of revenue growth, and the increases continue to outpace the forecasts. This is a very important point because this both provides budgeting safety and occasional ability to pay down debt early in an effort to best manage taxpayer money.
We continue to witness enrollment growth in the district, and this requires ongoing evaluations of how to meet increased needs. In addition to the high school construction project, the bonds up for voter approval in the April election have other important upgrades included for other district locations.
Please join me in voting “yes” on the Platte County R-3 School District to provide additional flexibility to the diverse needs for our school buildings. We have a responsibility to not delay progress and invest in the futures of our children.
--Brad Hokanson
City of Kansas City