There is much to say about this. Most of which I said from the podium at the meeting. The fact is that though 56% of those who voted on Nov. 5 represented 32,000 votes, the tax would be a tax in perpetuity (FOREVER) on potentially hundreds of thousands and/or millions of future Platte County residents.
If it’s not “fair” for our federal government to tax unborn future generations to build a $36,000,000,000,000 deficit, than how is it “fair” for a minute percentage of present Platte County citizens to place a tax of ANY kind on the people now and in the future.
Also, the language of the “mission” was extremely ambiguous. Oversight was also in question. We have seen the radical LGBTQ+ agenda being forced upon society by attacking parental rights and litigating for children who can’t vote, drive, smoke, buy alcohol, etc. to make the permanent life altering decision to sterilize themselves and mutilate their bodies.
The commissioners addressed these items with those who have been pushing this measure for quite a while, and attempted to work with them to draft something that would fill the needs of the community and be acceptable for the people. After all, this is a representative republic, and we elected these three individuals to handle the day to day operations of the county to protect our rights and wisely spend our tax dollars. Which they have done extremely well, despite the personal attacks and skewed reporting by some.
Finally, like most of us, I’m saddened by the fentanyl deaths and suicides due to bullying and anxiety brought on by social media. However, that does not give parents the right to abdicate their responsibility. For one, President Biden flung open the doors to the southern border allowing tons of drugs to cross into America killing over 100,000 Americans every year, mostly our youngest generations. Also, it’s not my fault you, their parents, can’t take away your child’s cell phone and keep them off the internet.
These problems are bigger than any one of us and millions in tax dollars will not solve it. I ask you to instead of litigating (you will lose), please work with the Platte County Commissioners to help find a solution that benefits all Platte County residents.
–Victor McCance
Platte County