“The Old Home Place” opened last week on Main Street in Platte City by Shirley and Tom Bruno in the building formerly occupied by Owens Realty. They carry primitives and used household items in good condition.
The weather this week has been miserably hot with high humidity. The thermometer has gotten in the high 90s every day and doesn’t cool down at night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roebling of rural Platte City, Mrs. Ada Cantu, Kansas City, Mo., and Lawrence Cantu, Lyford, Tex. announce the engagement of their children, KathyAnn Roebling to Lance Cantu. Miss Roebling, a 1976 graduate of Royal High School, Simi Valley, Calif., attends Maple Woods Community College. She is employed by APCOA Parking, Inc. at the airport. Catu, a 1977 graduate of Park Hill High School, Parkville, is employed by Cutting’s Platte Fair United Super in Platte City.
Platte City approved a one cent sales tax in a special election Tuesday, with 228 votes in favor and 50 votes against. The money received from the tax will go into the city general revenue fund with a large part to be used for improvements at the water plant and the remainder to be distributed to streets, police, parks and recreation, fire protections and other departments.