I read with great interest the letters and columns in the most recent Landmark paper. WOW !! It seems things are heating up in Platte County – even hotter than here in Phoenix maybe (or not). Our daily high it 118 degrees on a couple of days recently. But I digress.
The discussions of the jail expansion and the duel over the correct prisoner future population certainly is an interesting subject and reminds me of the attendance numbers at a Trump rally. The rosy (inflated?) projections and who will fill the cells made me wonder if the jail would benefit from a neon sign on the top of the building with a huge VACANCY sign in neon. Then put ads in various places, sort of like the old Motel 6 ads that said “We’ll leave the light on for ya!”
After all, since the cost of replacing a rusty air vent is over $400 million according to your local Fox TV news, you really need to keep those extra jail cells at full occupancy.
--Ken Martin
Platte County native
Now in Arizona