Shakespeare and the race for assessor

Letter to Editor


What does Shakespeare have to do with the election of the Platte County Assessor? Let me explain.

Years ago, Hamlet coined the phrase “Hoisted on his own petard.” A petard was the word that described a trap or a bomb. People used to set a petard to eliminate an opponent. Sometimes, the bomb would detonate prematurely, injuring or killing the person setting it. When that happened, it was called a “hoist.”

So, the saying translates to this: The person was essentially eliminated by their own action.

Here is how that applies to Dagmar Wood’s attempt to become the Platte County Assessor.

Dagmar says the entire culture of the assessor’s office must be changed. Nobody knows exactly what that means. She does not give any explanation as to what that culture is or the threats she will use on her employees to change it. Hoist No. 1.

Dagmar Wood says she wants to restore respect to the taxpayer within the assessor’s office. As a member of that work group, I have no idea what she is talking about. Again, she does not provide any proof of widespread taxpayer disrespect in that office. None. Hoist No. 2.

And finally, she boasts of selecting taxpayer friendly members of the Board of Equalization, making her sound like she is saving people from massively higher taxes.

But then, she votes for a $400 million tax increase, the largest tax increase in Platte County history, that has no ending point. It could go on forever. Hoist No. 3.

I think this is enough to prove that by offering no proof to her accusations and voting for a massive tax increase, she is “hoisting” herself, over and over again.

Folks, don’t vote for someone whose platform seems to be based on anger and ego (Remember the Nan Johnston fiasco?). As voters in Platte County, please, don’t be “hoisted on your own petard” by voting for Dagmar Wood.

The best and only choice for assessor is Missouri Certified Appraiser, Marcus Farr.

Marcus Farr for assessor.

It only makes sense.

                --Randy Knox 
                   St. Joseph
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