15 Years Ago–June 17, 2009

Platte County Sheriff’s Department officers and other emergency personnel responded to 19015 Humphrey’s Road south of Platte City about 4:45 p.m. on Monday. Authorities are investigating the death of Dennis Hess, 64, who was found in his home. Hess was found by his wife, authorities said. Hess is the former owner of Denim and Diamonds, a bar in North Kansas City. Deputies said the incident remains ‘an open death investigation’ pending a report from the medical examiner.

Humphrey’s Road is closed between Hwy. N and Farley Road. The road was closed to allow construction crews to make improvements to the roadway. It is scheduled to be reopened Sept. 1, 2009. Only local traffic will be permitted to residents in the construction zone.

Some of the local economic indicators are showing a mixed bag. Platte County’s foreclosure rate is down 15% from last year at this time, but is still 25% higher than it was two years ago at this time.

As quickly as it began, it disappeared again. The City of Riverside’s discussion of a possible smoking ban was postponed indefinitely on Tuesday by the aldermen.

Park Hill Board of Education chose to continue with a gravity-fed sewer option over the concerns of some residents near Union Chapel Elementary School.

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