Vote no on Platte County R-3 question

Letter to the Editor


The liberals that run our school district at Platte County R-3 are making another attempt to eliminate the Proposition C rollback that, we the people, defeated in 2012. On April 2, you will get to vote YES or NO on a ballot initiative that wants to eliminate the Prop C rollback. There are some things they are not telling you.

It’s important that all taxpayers understand the ramifications of a vote to eliminate the Prop C rollback benefit. It is complicated but necessary to know. Prop C was approved by Missouri voters in 1982. The proposition enacted a one-cent sales/use tax for public schools that would provide relief to property tax payers. School districts are required to “roll back” or reduce the property/real estate tax levies equal to the amount of sales tax revenue they receive. For example, since 2004 our school taxes have been rolled back or reduced four times.

Eliminating or “waiving” Prop C will give the school district the ability to raise our taxes regardless of the income they receive from sales tax. In other words, there will never be a chance for your school taxes to be reduced based on increasing sales tax revenue. They will only be able to go up.

It’s always a challenge to oppose the public-school system and their progressive unions. Everyone wants a good school in their neighborhood and qualified teachers. But, as we are seeing nationally, parents are becoming aware of radical ideologies being forced upon their children with which they totally disagree. Administrative staffs are exploding in size with members making six digit salaries. Additionally, Platte County R-3 is approximately $120,000,000 in debt (Missouri DESE 2022-2023), much more debt than other districts that have waived Prop C.

Funding to every school district must come under close scrutiny. There needs to be a balance. Middle class people and people living on fixed incomes cannot afford a future tax increase and always enjoy a tax cut. We should refuse to give schools a blank check and that would be the case if we vote in favor of this ballot proposal.

I will vote NO.

For more information go to on Facebook.

         --Mike Stark
            Platte City            
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