Winds of 65-70 mph it area

A strong thunderstorm with high winds struck in Platte City Sunday evening, July 30 around 8 p.m., downing some limbs and trees and knocking out power to parts of town. A cluster of severe thunderstorms moved south along I-29 from St. Joseph into the Kansas City metro. Meteorologists reported multiple wind gusts were noted between 65-70 mph. In this photo, multiple vehicles are covered under a downed tree/limbs outside a residence on Almond Street. Crews from Central Platte Fire Department and City of Platte City were clearing fallen trees in the following locations: Third and North Street, the alley between Paxton and Ferrel on Second Street and  on Almond. “Streets were largely clear by 9:30 p.m.,” said Marji Gehr, city administrator. Gehr said a few large limbs were cleared from Fourth Street, Academy and Mill Street but most of the limb/tree debris was in the downtown area north of Hwy. 92. “A power pole and power lines were down on Almond near Rader. Evergy contractors were out this morning to assess the damage and complete repairs,” she said on Monday. Gehr said several hanger limbs will require maintenance by homeowners, and there are a few in city parks and the cemetery “but fortunately nothing like we experienced in June of last year.”

Ivan Foley/Landmark photo

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