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Mayor Tony Paolillo

Flag football was featured at the Platte City July 4th celebration at Rising Star Park. Ivan Foley/Landmark photo


Platte City Mayor Tony Paolillo elevates in an attempt to intercept a pass during flag football action at the Platte City Fourth of July celebration held Tuesday at Rising Star Park. The mayor was playing on a City of Platte City team that finished third out of four teams in the football competition. The annual July 4th celebration was held at the splash park for the first time, after being a Main Street event the previous two years. “It was a pretty good success. I didn’t get a negative complaint on anything,” the mayor said Wednesday morning. He estimated the crowd to be similar to the size the event drew on Main Street the previous two years, “maybe a little bigger.” He said it appeared the attendees “were there a lot longer” than previous years, which he attributes to additional shade at the park.

Ivan Foley/Landmark photo

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