Northland business has given millions to charities

Standing in a lane where cars soon would be auctioned, the beaming leaders of four local charities each took their turn accepting a $63,277.85 donation from Northland business America’s Auto Auction Kansas City. The donations of more than $250,000 brought the total donated in just nine years to over $2.1 million.

“We sell cars to make money but our business’ vision is to make a difference in people’s lives,” says Doug Doll, America’s Auto Auction Kansas City General Manager. The Dec. 16 check presentation celebrated a year of fundraising by employees combined with a generous donation of a percentage of the business’s profits.

For the past several years, the auto auction has been the single largest and most significant business supporter for all four nonprofits. They include:

·Feed Northland Kids, which addresses weekend hunger by providing healthy, kid-friendly foods for school-age children living in the Northland

·Jackson County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), whose volunteers annually advocate for over 1,250 children removed from their homes for their safety because of abuse and neglect

·Camp Quality, a summer camping experience and year-round support program for children with cancer

·and Sheffield Place, a treatment and supportive housing program for homeless mothers and their children.
In addition to supporting the four charities that serve vulnerable women and children in need, a portion of the $253,111 raised in 2022 will go to help employees who have fallen on hard times, the Platte County school district, and local youth teams and organizations.

The donations began in 2012, when a group of auto auction employees joined together to start a company program to support local charities that serve vulnerable females and children. Today, that program has become Americause.

In addition to America’s Auto Auction Kansas City management this year donating $160,000 of their profits, the hardworking Americause group has raised funds through employee payroll deduction, special events including a golf tournament and Guitars & Cars, and donations from auction vendors and customers.

Each of the beneficiary charities has an annual dedicated “day at the auction” — a full day dedicated to raising funds for that organization both through the auction and donation opportunities for dealers, employees, and partners.

America’s Auto Auction Kansas City employees collect and donate items needed by the nonprofits such as sheets, pillows, towels, laundry detergent, and diapers. They volunteer their time to help with the charities’ events including providing treats and support for the charities’ staffs and volunteers. They also adopt families and children to provide holiday gifts.

The auto auction’s generous contributions of funds, time and talent make a difference for the women and children served by the nonprofits.

“They have had a large and lasting impact on Jackson County CASA’s ability to serve more children who have been removed from their homes for their safety because of abuse and neglect,” says Jackson County CASA President and CEO Angie Blumel. “This year’s donation of over $63,000 will allow us to serve an additional 60 kids for an entire year. This means hundreds of hours of advocacy, support, and legal representation per child. That is huge!”

Blumel says she and the leaders of the other beneficiary nonprofits are grateful to America’s Auto Auction Kansas City General Manager Doug Doll, their executive staff, and all the employees and dealers who participate in their philanthropic work. “They make a very real impact and meaningful difference in the lives of some of our most vulnerable families and children,” she says.

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