Current City Hall will become downtown center

Platte City

City Hall at Fourth and Main in Platte City

Thanks to revenue from county park tax

A grant from Platte County park tax revenues will help the City of Platte City remodel the current City Hall after the city eventually moves into its planned location along Marshall Road.

The remodeling of the current City Hall at Fourth and Main will turn the building into a community room available for public use, as well as serve as a location to support downtown events.

“Even though the new City Hall/police headquarters is not far from downtown, the board believes it is important to maintain a city presence on Main Street,” DJ Gehrt, city administrator, told The Landmark this week.

At Monday’s meeting of the Platte County Commission, Platte City received approval of what is known as a Platte County Parks Partnership Grant. The grant is funded with proceeds from the county’s quarter cent sales tax for parks and recreation, approved by voters last year.

The grant to remodel the existing City Hall, which won’t take place until the new facility is constructed, is in the amount of $320,000.

“This is planned for 2024, or about 15-18 months after the move into the new police station/administration building on Marshall Road,” Gehrt said.

In addition to the $320,000 from the grant, the City of Platte City will contribute $80,000 in funds to rehabilitate the current City Hall.

“It will transition the current facility from government administration offices to an improved community building,” Gehrt said.

Gehrt explained that the renovated facility will supplement and eventually replace the two current community rooms, one located at the Civic Center and the other at the Lions Club building near Fourth and North Street by the cemetery.



The City of Platte City was also awarded a Platte County Parks Partnership Grant for phase 1-B of the Rising Star Park, which will be home to a splash pad and related amenities.

This grant is in the amount of $243,280 and will be combined with $65,000 in city funds to finish and improve upon Rising Star Park phase one.

City officials say this grant will be used to provide additional parking, add a 100 ft. long zip line, a bathroom facility and two shelter houses.

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