Acts of kindness abound, even during the stress of a global pandemic due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. Some “sign gypsies” recently left a tribute to health care workers near the main entrance to the Saint Luke’s North Hospital on Barry Road in Platte County. Saint Luke’s responded by posting this on its Facebook page: “The sign outside the hospital is very much appreciated. We stay here for you, you stay home for us.” Smaller signs were posted at the staff entrance on the back side of the hospital with messages such as “You are a hero,” “We appreciate you,” and “Thank you, team Saint Luke’s.”
Swedish Pirate; oceanfront property; Make March Madness Great Again
I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but I’m starting to get the impression Landmark columnists Speckman and Kamler failed to show last Saturday for the Undies Race through Downtown Kansas City that I signed them up for recently. I didn’t...