Landmark Live! Talking #Chiefs playoffs and paying tribute to the late sports media sound bite columnist Greg Hall. Hosted by Ivan Foley and Chris Kamler. Special guest Hearne Christopher, former columnist for the Kansas City Star.
Double box blues
Over the past week, I've started paring down my TV options and subscriptions. They really catch up with you after a bit. First you get Amazon Prime, then maybe Apple TV, then perhaps a Netflix and Max. And before you...
Hi Chris! Hi Ivan!
Greg was so inspiring – what I loved most about hi
I loved how he never engaged with haters online
What’s Angie’s last name?!?
Brad Carl Dickinson. Angie Dickinson.
Dressed to Kill !
I’m younger than I appear, so I can relate.
Huge thank you to Angie Morrison Mutti for stepping in on very short notice to run the camera for us tonight on Landmark Live!
I would Like to see the Platte County Landmark do a story on the major outage that took place in parts of Platte County and Clay Count by Spectrum. Lots of people in Parkville got blacked out from watching the Chiefs game at 1:45 PM until 7:40 PM. What a shame!
A little something extra…A serious thought to consider today, Thursday, January 23, 2020 ……..
The Radical Socialist Democrats are dangerous domestic enemies of the American People and of America under the United States Constitution. They must be opposed and blocked from positions of power in this country. ……. THIS IS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SURVIVAL.