Landmark Live—Bracket Battle with Dr. David Lowry. Get your bracket tips and shenanigans here.
Swedish Pirate; oceanfront property; Make March Madness Great Again
I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but I’m starting to get the impression Landmark columnists Speckman and Kamler failed to show last Saturday for the Undies Race through Downtown Kansas City that I signed them up for recently. I didn’t...
Landmark Live and March Madness!!
Hello fellas!!!
Where is the waitress?
Hi jennifer
You need a big marker board
Hi fellas!!!
Hi Gary!
I better win something tonight !
Me to I wanna win!
Gary you’ve already won before! I’ve never been a winner.
Ok Pick Jennifer Linda Foley to win a prize!!
Ivan is a patient of Doctor Lowery
You sober?
Ivan Foley unfortunately
Michigan Wolverines!
Shockers take it all!!
There is going to be a raid soon in the bookies lair above the landmark
Go against Mizzou on moneyline. Just think of all the money you would’ve made in the past.
I’m just here to support.
Which team has the easiest schedule?
Send me a link.
now i’m on…
Hello Mayor
Greetings all..
Put a pork butt on the tan bed
How about a year of medical insurance from doctor Lowery?
Whoopie do KU
Road trip to Reno Nevada
Good night Bookies
Great show guys. Thanks!
Ivan, you guys are cooking; Bloomberg may be calling shortly; possibilities are world wide.
Thanks!!! I’m excited and look forward to turning in my bracket tomorrow morning!
Kimberly Wade listen at 52:12!!!
Yeah! Jilana Lanning
On the Personalized Education Program for Middle School students, which is being introduced into Platte County R-3 Schools in March of 2018…………………… This fantasy appears to me as just another way for the Liberal Progressive teachers and administrators to “dumb down” learning in the classroom. I am no stranger to the Progressives and their “educational improvements”, having taught in the PC R-3 system for 28 years with a Bachelor of Science in Education Degree, a Master’s of Arts Degree – History and extensive studies in History beyond the Masters. … Having resisted these destructive trends for many years, I am still alarmed by what I see being done to our kids in the public schools. …. We are failing the coming generations with these Marxist Liberal Progressive schemes. We should realize that constant change does not mean actual improvement and often means just the opposite. The alarm should be sounded by the Board of Education and most of all the tax payers and parents in this school district.