Landmark Live, brought to you by The Platte County Landmark, with special guest Kris Ketz from the KMBC Channel 9 studios.
Some details emerging in shooting death of reporter
SHERIFF: INCIDENT 'HAS ALL THE HALLMARKS OF ROAD RAGE' Some details are beginning to emerge in the Interstate 29 shooting death of Dennis Sharkey, a local sports reporter for the Platte County Citizen. Sharkey was killed in a shooting that...
I’m jealous! Is Donna there? Did I say that out loud? How about McDermed?
We need to get Kamler a stool. Is he on his knees?
Are you sitting on the floor?
Where. Are. The Christmas. Suits??!
Landmark Live with the news!!
Are you guys wearing makeup?
Looking good Ivan Folley
One of my favorite KMBC news guy’s
Heard Dana’s caller. Awesome call.
All natural!!
Ok IVAN…great night to be out! Be home before midnight!!
Explain 4 k
Lookin good gentlemen!
That’s cool
Those are good following numbers for Mr, Dana
I really enjoyed this segment! Thanks for sharing about KMBC, Kris and for putting up with those two.
Love it!
Nice FB broadcast! Which reminds me that I need to renew my Platte County Landmark Subscription for this coming year!
Hmmm: this was last Thursday. Ivan, you need to hire Chris hope I spelled his name right!
Oops, I just noticed the header and see it’s spelled Kris.
Funny who else is going to bring the Landmark live besides the Landmark?