This week, we went on the road to Parkville, Missouri to meet the spirit of Bill Grigsby as well as the Bill Grigsby statue. We visited with Tricia Szasz of the Parkvile Artisans’ Studio as she offered to show the boys how to potter like real wizards. After much slapping, and whacking, and balling, Ivan and Chris got down to ghosting up some mighty fine claymation bowls. Check out our Lock of the Week and more on this week’s edition of Landmark Live!
Swedish Pirate; oceanfront property; Make March Madness Great Again
I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but I’m starting to get the impression Landmark columnists Speckman and Kamler failed to show last Saturday for the Undies Race through Downtown Kansas City that I signed them up for recently. I didn’t...
Parkville isn’t the same with out Bill …