Social justice warrior
Over 20 years ago when I started dating my wife, we quickly learned that we spent our 20s building up ...
Over 20 years ago when I started dating my wife, we quickly learned that we spent our 20s building up ...
Five years ago this week, I had the most amazing, whirlwind experience of my life. For those new to my ...
William of Occam was a friar in the 14th-century. He was known as a leading philosopher and theologian as well ...
Due to a perfect storm of surgery recovery and DVR overload, I am still wading through Apollo 11 documentaries. I ...
If you ever have major surgery on the horizon, make sure you pick your television bingeing carefully. During my recent ...
Couple of topics in this week's column, then I'm off to go get a new knee. Decades of umpiring and ...
Remember the international uproar over a tweet sent by a local elementary school principal to David Hogg, Florida school shooting ...
In an instant, there's such a feeling of pride. In an instant, you're going over the statistics in your head ...
Do you remember what you thought the future was going to be like when you were a kid? I was ...
Occasionally, you'll hear a whisper of it. Maybe you're in line at the grocery store and someone slips up. Possibly, ...
Nostalgia is understandable. I get it. Over time, the past softens. The hard edges melt under the passage of years. ...
Thankfully Platte County escaped the night of the twisters on Tuesday evening with no tornado touchdowns reported here. It was ...
Landmark Live. Party on the Patio at Kansas City Airport Marriott with Platte City Area Chamber of Commerce/EDC hosts Ivan ...
Platte City will keep its current headquarters for the local popo at Fourth and Main, at least for a couple ...
Just this week, my wife and I have left work early three times for 4:00 baseball games. I attended a ...
Having just completed watching Avengers: Endgame and the Battle of Winterfell on Game of Thrones in the span of about ...
"A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars.” --Fictitious Sean Parker, The Social Network How long ...
Today marks my wife and my’s 20th wedding anniversary. April 17, 1999. I have never been one of those husbands ...
Listen, nobody is going to mistake me for a rocket scientist. Let's get that out of the way at the ...
Do you remember the commercial when you were younger where the man and woman were both walking down the street ...