The player who wins the week is the player who accurately predicts the most correct head-to-head winners for the week. If one or more players share the same head-to-head score for a week, the week’s win will be awarded to player with the highest total number of points for the week.
To play select Your Picks in the Pickem menu and enter your picks for the outcome of each game. At the end of the season the person who has the most weekly wins is the overall winner.
When filling in Your Picks, you do not have to make a pick for each game. This is helpful if there are early games scheduled for a given week (games played on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday). You may make your picks for these games beforehand and complete the rest later. Games are automatically locked out on the entry form according to their scheduled date and time. Games are locked at the start of the individual game time. Note: all times displayed on the schedule are Eastern Time Zone. You may change your pick for any game up until the time that game is locked. Entries must be completed on time. Once a game is locked, you may not change your pick for it. If you did not make a pick for a particular game, it is counted as a loss. If you submit a partial entry and either forget or are unable to complete it, the games you did not pick will count as losses. If you have trouble accessing the site, logging in or completing your entry, please contact us on the form below for help.
Use the menu displayed at the top of every page to get around the site. Below is a description of each page. Note: you must be logged-in to access most pages.
Here you can view the season week-by-week. The display includes a synopsis of your previous week’s picks and will update you on any missing picks for the current week. Scores are typically updated within 24 hours of a game’s completion.
You may make your entires for the current week or make selections in advance for upcoming weeks using the links provided. To enter, select a winner for each game. You may change your entry by returning to this page for the given week. Your current picks and points will be shown here and on the Results by Week page. Your picks can be hidden from view until game time if you select the “hide my picks option” at the bottom of the page.
Note that you cannot make or change picks for games that have been locked. If you did not make a pick for a game that has been locked, it is counted as a loss.
This page shows each player’s picks and score for a given week. Game scores are typically updated within 24 hours of the game’s completion. All game results should be in by late Monday night or Tuesday morning.
Scoring and results for each week are generated automatically, so once all scores are in the winner will be declared.
Here you will find a list of the winners for each week’s pool. Click on a week number to view the results page for an individual week. This page also displays individual summaries for each player, showing his or her overall performance for the current season.
You can always come to this page for help with finding your way around or entering and updating your picks. If you need further assistance contact us via email at