A one-day Spring Clean Up will be offered to Platte City residents on Saturday, May 6, it was announced at the Tuesday night board of aldermen meeting. The board intends to strictly enforce a one pick-up day only policy due to last year’s experience when residents continued to place special cleanup items out for nearly a month following the designated pick-up day. This created a substantial amount of extra work for sanitation personnel, according to Ann Daniels, city administrator.
Workers were busy Friday completing last minute preparations on the clubhouse and grounds of Shiloh Springs Golf Course, the Platte County golf course located off Bethel Road. The 18-hole course is set to open April 1, according to golf pro Todd Fredricks, who noted that Saturday tee times are already filling up. Although the clubhouse may not be completely reading by opening day, the restaurant will offer a light sandwich and soda menu. Shiloh Springs offers family memberships beginning at $85 per month for one person, up to $155 for three or more family members and corporate memberships beginning at $85 for one person and $75 each for three or more corporate members.
Platte County R-3 High School sophomore Megan Shanks placed third in dramatic interpretation at district forensics competition March 17 at Benton High School in St. Joseph.