Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davidson of Platte City announce the engagement of their daughter, Julia Lynn, to Rocky Alan Turley of Wellsville, Kan. Julia will graduate with the class of 1980 from Platte County R-3 High School. Rocky is a 1979 graduate of Wellsville High School. He is currently employed at Lacy Steel in Lawrence, Kan. No date has been set for the wedding.
While many young people chose to stay indoors during the recent wintry weather, these Platte City young people devoted their time to building a huge snowman. The snowman, which was built last Wednesday, was christened Elbar, a derivation of Ellen and Barbie. Elbar stood over seven feet tall and measured 12 feet around the base.
A son, Kent Michael, born Feb. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kiefer, Wathena, Kan. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Foley, Wathena. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Kiefer of Wathena. Dwayne Foley is publisher of The Landmark and the new mother, Gayla Kiefer, is office manager of the Wathena Times, also owned by Foley. Kent Michael weighed in at seven pounds, 13 ounces. He has a four-year-old brother, Kirby.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shackelford have returned from vacationing in Athens, Greece.