R-3 ballot question presents ‘amazing opportunity’

Letter to the Editor


Una pregunta en la boleta de las elecciones municipales del 2 de abril para los patrocinadores del Distrito Escolar R-3 del Condado de Platte nos presenta una oportunidad increíble, siempre y cuando suficientes votantes crean en los hechos disponibles.

As cited in informational materials, the district needs permission to adjust the allocation of existing tax funds through one simple change and a Prop C waiver — both done without an increase in the overall levy. That’s right. The tax rate levy would remain unchanged. This is not a tax increase.

Sin embargo, los beneficios para el distrito podrían ser espectaculares.

El propósito de la pregunta electoral es permitir que el distrito mejore la escala salarial para maestros y conductores de autobuses, bibliotecarios y consejeros y todos los demás. Los padres que respondieron a las encuestas del distrito siempre han otorgado la máxima prioridad al reclutamiento y retención de profesionales de la educación talentosos, que desempeñan un papel tan vital en el desarrollo y el éxito de nuestros niños.

Sin embargo, la recaudación de impuestos actual se destina a cuatro fondos diferentes y una cantidad limitada se destina a necesidades operativas, como nómina y beneficios.

That’s what makes this question so important. With enough yes votes, the district can continue to make appropriate and sufficient payments on existing debt but taking some of the money currently restricted to that particular use and apply the approved amount to operations. To put it in more common terms: imagine having a certain percentage of your paycheck being restricted to making a monthly mortgage or rent payment, and every month, you are paying more than required. At the same time, you are struggling to buy enough groceries, clothes and other essentials.

That’s where Platte County R-3 sits — unnecessarily paying extra toward debt while ranking behind most peer districts in the area in pay for teachers and other professionals. Please join me in voting yes to change the dynamic and put Platte County R-3 in position to close the gap and better compete for the top candidates in a dwindling pool of job candidates.

                          --Ross Martín Platte City
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