Salvar la democracia, hacer la transición de los luchadores y todo eso

Quédate conmigo aquí. Esto es complicado para aquellos de nosotros que todavía estamos basados en algún tipo de realidad. Recibí un mensaje de texto con una captura de pantalla de un amigo la semana pasada. Era una publicación en Facebook de una escuela en el este de Missouri. Básicamente, era una actualización de lucha femenina que indicaba que una joven “dama” que se hace llamar Isaac se había convertido en la primera campeona del distrito en la historia de la escuela y se dirigía al torneo estatal de lucha femenina.

The picture of Isaac seemed to be a boy, or at least had boy-like features for those of us that still judge a book by its cover. Anyway, the Facebook comments were off the charts on this thing, and I couldn’t help but try to figure this out. As best I can tell, the Missouri law that is in place only allows you to compete in the gender of the sport of which you were born biologically. Spare me the gender fluid argument and just assume we are all born boy or girl.

This is where it gets dicey. As best I can tell, Isaac was born a girl and is possibly transitioning to a boy (hence the boy features), and “he” must compete as a “she” to comply with the law that was created to prevent boys from dominating girls’ sports. See the irony? Are you keeping up here?

Así que ahora la “transición de niñas a niños” ha resultado en una clasificación estatal para niñas por primera vez en esta escuela y todo el distrito escolar está confundido en cuanto a género y los legisladores republicanos probablemente estén inundados de jerga legal tratando de reescribir su ley para impedir esto.

Read this next sentence slowly. We have gone insane! I will type it one more time for everyone that didn’t understand. We have gone insane!

We should pack up our stuff and move to another planet, we’ve ruined this one.

Si no se mantiene al tanto del juicio de Trump en Georgia, se lo está perdiendo. Ver a Fani Willis y su amante en el estrado de los testigos me ha hecho reír durante dos semanas. Las dos personas en las que confiábamos para salvar la democracia se han descarrilado y se han convertido en una tórrida historia de amor.

Willis and her lover, Nathan Wade, despite being lawyers, are two of the worst witnesses I have ever seen. They’d challenge Trump on any lie meter test and if that doesn’t work, they throw down race in the oddest of situations as some sort of “trump” card (pardon the pun). She even claimed that keeping cash around the house was a “black thing.” Huh? I know a lot of pasty white people that believe in a little “cash” in the dresser drawer, but I have digressed.

If you’re looking for entertainment, this is the trial to be watching. Lots of characters and it has a new twist every week. It’s not a Taylor and Travis level love story, but something to get us through the last few weeks of winter.

I think I’ve figured this whole thing out. I am pretty sure we are living the entertainment for some other world. We have a little situation comedy, tragedy, love stories and an entire slate of stupid human tricks that are entertaining some other species in some unknown region of space. We are simply the programming, proceed with your life accordingly.

(Puede comunicarse con Guy Speckman viendo Fani Willis y Nathan Wade salvar la democracia o en

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