Deja de investigar, decano

Political cash

I’ve continuously assured you that almost no one pays attention to state government. It’s always been odd to me, the lack of attention they receive from the public, despite the role they are playing in spending our money. Just in case you were worried, it appears that things continue to be a complete and utter mess in Jefferson City.

The current speaker of the house, Dean Plocher, is in trouble for double billing the state for some travel. Apparently, Deano asked his campaign and the good taxpayers of the State of Missouri to pay for the same trips. That is not legal, and Dean promptly fessed up and paid it back after a news outlet reported it; coincidence that it happened in that order, I’m sure. Some of the instances date back to 2018, but that’s only five years ago in human years.

De todos modos, Dean es sólo un servidor público inocente que cayó dos veces, según Dean.

Al parecer, Plocher no estaba contento con el alcance de aquel escándalo y decidió meterse en otro. La semana pasada anunció que su nuevo jefe de gabinete es el ex presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Rod Jetton. Jetton causó furor en la década de 2000, era un verdadero prometedor. Luego, su carrera se vio obstaculizada por una molesta investigación federal sobre sobornos y acusaciones de agresión sexual de las que finalmente se declaró culpable de un delito menor. Eric Greitens antes de Eric Greitens estaba publicando comerciales de carreras de obstáculos, por así decirlo.

Afortunadamente, la investigación sobre sobornos se centró únicamente en la industria del entretenimiento para adultos. No hay nada que ver aquí amigos, muevanse.

Maldita sea la suerte que tienen estos tipos.

Anyway, no one will notice. Jetton had most recently been deputy director of the Missouri Department of Revenue in the department of motor vehicle and driver’s license division. He had been there since 2022 and did such a bang-up job licensing your cars, he’s now back near the real power in Jefferson City.

If it doesn’t make you laugh it will certainly make you cry. Keep the taxes coming, these guys will make sure they are well managed.

Words of advice for Plocher from a longtime friend and reader of the column. “When you’re in a hole, quit digging.”

Señor, estaba cavando y luego le pidió a otro excavador experimentado que saltara al hoyo con él para ayudarlo.

Plocher definió el problema de los gastos de viaje como un “error de chequera”. ¿Siguen equilibrando su chequera en el libro de contabilidad proporcionado por Deluxe? Yo tampoco.

I feel for Dean. I remember the good old days when you could blame things on your checkbook, but that doesn’t pass the smell test in 2023. Debit cards never lie, Dean.

State government eats their young and it’s just a matter of time for the current power brokers in Jefferson City.

Puedo asegurarles que he tenido uno o tres “errores de chequera” en mi época, pero nosotros, los veteranos, llamábamos a esos cheques sin fondos y eran tan caros como un almuerzo de cabildero en Jefferson City.

Anyway, that is your state government update for now. Don’t get your hopes up for better news in the future, it’s been this way an exceedingly long time.

(Puede comunicarse con Guy Speckman en o equilibrando su chequera)

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