Mucha bondad en una sola edición.

Letter to the Editor


Aunque la semana pasada estábamos angustiados por no haber recibido The Landmark, que atribuí al servicio de correo, lo recibimos anoche en nuestro buzón (lunes).

Llamé a la oficina de The Landmark el lunes temprano, hablé con alguien y le transmití el mensaje de que no había recibido The Landmark la semana pasada.

Told her we were assuming it was the post office again. I asked for your email address as I had misplaced it and, of course, couldn’t look it up in the paper because it had not yet arrived. She kindly gave it to me. Could it be that I went to the local post office and informed them that we had not received mail last week on Thursday, Friday or Saturday and would appreciate someone looking into why????????

We just thought you would like to know how “elated” we were when last week’s Landmark appeared in our mailbox last night. We were having withdrawal symptoms.

After reading the Wednesday, Sept. 20 edition of The Landmark, I have to say that this is the ONE Landmark I would NOT have wanted to miss. Each week, I underline, in red, things that I know my husband would enjoy and then hand it on to him for his perusing. ALMOST ALL OF THIS WEEK’S PAPER IS UNDERLINED IN RED. Look out, Husband.

While I enjoyed your editorial, Purcell’s article, Speckman’s hilarious column, Christopher’s homeless article, I will have to say that Kamler’s “Rambling Moron” article was the BEST. “RIGHT ON SPOT.”

I will be anxious to get my husband’s reaction to these articles (and, of course, my over abundance of red underlining).

–The Hensels, Dave and Oriana
Kansas City en el condado de Platte

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