Skateboarding, almohadillas de millones de dólares y tal

¿Recuerdas cuando cerraron los parques de patinetas con mucha arena y derribaron las porterías de baloncesto? Eran buenos tiempos.

I still laugh a little about the COVID differences in the country. You had people on the coasts and urban areas literally shutting down nearly everything and staying inside for months. Here in the Midwest, we tried that for like four days and then everything was pretty much normal except for silly masks and lots of Plexiglas installs. It was like a little secret that we didn’t tell the urban areas, those were the days.

Los bienes raíces del área continúan burlándose de las tasas de interés de 7%. Acabo de echar un vistazo a algunas de las grandes ventas que están pendientes en el área metropolitana. Una casa de nueva construcción está pendiente en Riverside por $2.2 millones, una plataforma de $1.9 millones en el área de Forest Ridge y The National en Parkville continúa ignorando a los agoreros de la vivienda con dos ventas pendientes en el top 10 del condado de Platte en $1. 2 millones y $1.3 millones respectivamente.

Riss Lake rounds out the top 10 for the county with two pending sales in the $1.1 million range. If you’re in the market, don’t fret, there are three active listings above $2 million in Platte County ready for you get your checkbook out for. Weatherby Lake has four properties still for sale in the $1.1 million to $1.3 million range, if you hurry you can be on the lake by the 4th of July, no wake zone only!

The year preceding the pandemic, there were a total of five sales in all of Platte County over one million dollars. The past 12 months, there have been 48 over one million bucks. That’s American dollars of the George Washington variety. That is just a mind-boggling change in the market. I have no idea what that means, but it should impress your friends over drinks.

Just to be clear, closing skateboard parks did not impact me much. I’m not much of a skater. I’m not that coordinated, don’t handle my weed well and I dress more “dad bod” style than skater vibe. I never even cared who Tony Hawk was/is.

Speaking of fashion, I’m crushed. I’ve got about two drawers worth of “no show” socks and a couple of unopened packages, just in case. Old “er” people hoard socks, it’s what we do. Can’t have too many socks or underwear, it’s a life rule.

Anyway, I found out recently that “no show” socks are out, and the cool kids are back to ankle length socks with shorts. Don’t even get me started on the men’s 7” shorts. That should not even be legal, yet it’s “in” as well, they tell me.

I’ve officially thrown in the towel. I’m not changing. I’m 56-years-old or so and it just seems worthless. If I live long enough, the no show socks will be cool again when I’m 70ish and there is very little chance I will care one single bit about the length of my socks. I’ll likely be too busy looking for my glasses, medicine, phone and my jug of Ensure to be worried about my sock length, so onward we press with no show socks.

(Se puede contactar a Guy Speckman en o abastecerse de Guarantee)

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