Contraseña, Creekside y la vida en prisión

Creekside Development

Creekside, un desarrollo de uso mixto en la intersección de la Interestatal 435 y la autopista. 45 en el extremo oeste de Parkville, está tomando forma rápidamente. Michael Meier con Aristocrat Realty se encuentra en el área del patio, que cuenta con una pantalla de televisión exterior gigante, así como un área de minigolf y bochas, entre otras comodidades. Ivan Foley/Foto histórica

We can fly a man to the moon, build electric cars and semi conquer a pandemic, yet we still must use passwords. I hope to be a senior citizen someday and I can barely handle my password life as a 56-year-old. I’m scared of what might become of my digital life at 65 and beyond, if I have to continue to remember and maintain password lists.
Let’s get a task force or committee on this pronto.

Un amigo me envió un mensaje de texto con algunas fotos de la escena de entretenimiento de Creekside Development el sábado por la noche y el lugar estaba deslumbrante. Un poco de música en vivo, un poco de bochas y mucha gente aparentemente en su lugar feliz.

El desarrollo se configuró y planificó para maximizar el aspecto de habitabilidad y entretenimiento tanto para los residentes del desarrollo como para los visitantes y, según todas las críticas que he escuchado, cumple en ambos aspectos.

El área se está convirtiendo rápidamente en un lugar de visita para jóvenes y adultos por igual.

I’ve never played bocce ball. Apparently, it was played as far back as 5200 BC, which is a couple of years before Foley started running The Landmark. According to history, the game was prohibited from play by anyone less than a noble in 1319 AD because it was feared that it took too much time away from practical endeavors and military training, kind of like TikTok today.

De todos modos, comenzaron a permitir que los campesinos normales jugaran de nuevo alrededor de 1519 d. C. y ahora ha progresado para que lo jueguen los padres del condado de Platte luciendo un ligero zumbido, nuevamente probablemente poniendo en peligro el uso productivo del tiempo, pero qué diablos.

I’m not sure who establishes if you’re a “noble” in 2023. Have to ask someone other than me. Probably a permit or something to fill out at the license bureau or assessor’s office. Ask them.

My wife and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary this weekend. I know she’s a lucky gal. Anyway, what I’ve learned in 35 years of married life is that 35 years ago, she and I ruined a bunch of people’s Memorial Day weekend plans. We were 21-years-old and never even considered that people weren’t dying to be at our wedding that weekend, so Memorial Day weekend it was. In retrospect, I suspect a bunch of those invitations were greeted with exasperated sighs. Live and learn. I’ll have my next wedding on a random Tuesday afternoon or something.

We celebrated by traveling to Jefferson City on Sunday to tour the old Missouri Penitentiary. Prison, marriage, insert your own joke here. The tour was interesting. I’d go in the next year or so because I’m guessing they will eventually tear that thing down. Much of it is already gone, but the original cell blocks and much of the boundary walls are still intact and it’s fascinating to stand inside those walls and imagine that life. Once you stand inside the musty old buildings, it’s hard to forget the smell or imagine the smell when the place was full of grown men with limited shower access.

The tour takes two hours, is a cheap $25 and it’s very informal. I’d recommend it but tread easy on using it as an anniversary gift, not everyone can pull that off, you gotta have some built-in SWAG for that feat.

(Se puede contactar a Guy Speckman por correo en la Penitenciaría del Estado de Missouri)

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