La importancia de los periódicos locales

Letter to the Editor


Llego tarde para enviarles una nota de felicitación por el 159 aniversario del periódico The Landmark. Definitivamente es un logro orgulloso. También quería expresar algunas palabras sobre la importancia de los periódicos locales.

I think many people have given up on newspapers and I think that is very disappointing. While technology can’t be ignored the importance of journalism in the form of newspapers, particularly local ones, needs to be recognized and applauded for the work they do. As I sit here writing this from Arizona, I still subscribe to The Landmark and read it both online as well as the printed version I receive each week. I look forward to reading them both.

I suppose I can be considered a ‘news junkie,” but I am fine with that. It keeps me better informed by reading news from multiple sources with different viewpoints. With some of the very disappointing stories on the national stage exposing the lies and falsehoods seen in the output of large news organizations, it is all the more important to have trusted sources of news. Much of it comes from small local news sources that keep the “flame alive” on the importance of good journalism and factual reporting.

Así que gracias por el trabajo que usted y su pequeño equipo hacen todos los días y publican cada semana.

               --Ken Martin Ex Platte Countian Sorpresa, Az.
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