Three candidates filed for two open positions on the Platte County R-3 School District’s Board of Education. Filing closed on Dec. 31.
Candidates (listed in ballot order) are as follows:
·Shawn Chiddix
·Alisha Elliott
·John A. Ready
The seats up for election are currently held by Shawn Chiddix and Mike Matousek. Matousek chose not to file for re-election.
The annual municipal election will be held on April 8. For more information about the PCR-3 Board of Education, visit the Leadership channel of the district’s website. Board members are elected to three-year terms during at-large elections. Elected board members must complete 18.5 hours of board member training within the first year.
The last day to register to vote in the April 8 election is March 12. Patrons may register to vote in any of the Platte County R-3 School facilities or at the Platte County Board of Elections offices.