Gonna run my streak of nonsense columns to a record level this week. I’m getting a new roof and for the last 48 hours, I’ve had a small Honduran family pounding nails over my head and they are not union. They take no breaks. I’m not sure where they restroom break and probably won’t ask. Don’t ask, don’t tell I assume is the policy for roofer code. Anyway, my mind is mush from the hammering and I’m tired watching them work this hard. Read forward with caution.
My dreams of getting rich on college football betting have been crushed already. I’m giving myself a few more weeks on NFL wagering to make some generational wealth type money in that venture, but it does not look good so far.
Generational wealth is probably not worth it unless it was a generation before you that earned it.
By the time you read this the one and only presidential debate will be clearly in the rear-view mirror. I predict that both sides will claim to have won, and I can assure you that the only loser was the American people.
Can you imagine being an astronaut at the Space Station and being told you can’t take the planned trip home? Apparently, NASA cannot get the astronauts home, and they have to send private industry and Elon Musk’s Space X to pick them up in a few months. I get a little angry when I can’t leave a restaurant when I want, or it takes 20 minutes for an Uber. Not sure I have the mental fortitude to wait six months for a ride.
Honestly, this is a shining example of why we need less government and more private sector and even fewer publicly owned companies. Musk’s Star Link internet service company could immediately solve the so called “internet desert” problem that Washington has been throwing billions at for years now, yet we keep pumping wire in the ground throughout rural areas.
Are we still “standing with Ukraine,” or have we moved on from that? Are we still flying their flag or has it been replaced with the Palestinian flag. I’m old fashioned and just fly the plain old American flag at my homestead, I can’t keep up with the other trends.
I’m not fully informed on the Platte City iconic orange water tower saga from the 1990’s but it sounds fascinating. The letter to the editor last week that reminded us of Sonny Hill Motor’s involvement was a work of art by the author. The letter revealed to me that the wounds were still a bit raw from the “Battle of Orange” in the 90’s. The most small-town American thing in the world is a community debate and fight over the water tower color. God bless the Midwest.
My favorite petty community fights are when they can be readily recalled 30 years later.
According to my brief research, “Sonny” was actually Donald Jerome Haugland, and he died in 2011 at the age of 63, but if you were involved in the “Battle of the Orange” you already knew that.
(Guy Speckman can be reached at gspeckman@me.com or trying to find Sonny Hill Motors memorabilia)