Jim and Schatzi Ball of Parkville have returned from a 14-day trip to Antarctica and a copy of The Landmark was along for the fun. “The scenery was spectacular, whales and seals were fascinating but of course the cutest critters were the different kinds of penguins, Gentoo, Adelie and Chinstrap,” Schatzi said. “And we got to see the Chiefs win in the middle of pretty rough seas going through The Drake Passage!” she added. Headed somewhere noteworthy? Take a copy of The Landmark on your trip and snap a photo with the paper prominently displayed. Email your photo and accompanying information to ivan@plattecountylandmark.com.
Swedish Pirate; oceanfront property; Make March Madness Great Again
I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but I’m starting to get the impression Landmark columnists Speckman and Kamler failed to show last Saturday for the Undies Race through Downtown Kansas City that I signed them up for recently. I didn’t...