Trump Library, guns and ballparks

Donald Trump

Not every former president can say they were indicted for paying off a sexual liaison. Only a few of them were eligible to say it and only one was indicted. Might look decent on Donald’s LinkedIn page. I pity the fool that has to curate the items for Trump’s Presidential Library. Here’s a pic of Donald in North Korea with a little man that had nuclear weapons and small man boobs and here’s Donald in his underwear with a porn star with manufactured, albeit larger boobs, but no nuclear weapons. Gonna be a lot of tricky exhibit placement in order.

I am not a “why did you pull me over for speeding, the others were driving faster” kind of guy but honestly, Bill Clinton had sex with an intern in the Oval Office. Say that out loud slowly and explain to me how that happened without any laws being broken.

I’ve been to the Bill Clinton library. No dress. Although the entire building resembles a trailer on stilts, so they did bring a little authenticity to the whole Clinton presidency.

This is the point in the change of seasons that I promise to not complain about the heat this summer. I’ll break that promise by late April, but whatever.

I must imagine that Al Gore sometimes regrets inventing the internet.

Is COVID over? How about those secret documents in Biden’s garage, that over? I can’t keep up. Still sending money to Ukraine, right?

School and mass shootings make me sad for us. But I am often perplexed at why the liberal left immediately jump on the “something has to be done” bandwagon after each shooting, as if the people on the right don’t want a solution. No one disagrees that this is not normal and that something needs done. The facts matter, though. There are already 400 million or so guns in America. You can pass all the laws you want, but people are not giving up those guns voluntarily and an involuntary collection would be what they refer to as a Civil War. It is just impractical, beyond the basic Constitutional law arguments.

In a lot of the mass shooting cases, the laws we have on the books already are not working because of the lack of on-the-ground implementation of restrictions meant to protect, how will more restrictions fix that problem?

Get yourself out to the ballgame soon. These Royals might not be great, in fact they’re going to lose 100 games again. Before the season is over, the Royals will start shuttering areas of the stadium because of lack of support and maintenance will fall to the wayside as they follow the “New KCI” methodology of making sure we build a new stadium.

I concede that a new stadium location is needed, but I hate the process they will undoubtedly utilize to get us to that point.

(Guy Speckman can be reached in Florida waiting for the Trump Presidential Library to open)

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