Week 10 – Cory & Miami for the Win

Each week of Pick’em has brough some interesting surprises, Week 10 was no different.

In the Baltimore vs Miami game, everyone picked against Miami except Cory Williams. Cory picked Miami and won (+1 for Cory). The hyperbole of Cory’s pick was even greater in the Tampa Bay vs Washington game in which everyone picked Tampa Bay – and everyone was wrong – Washington beat Tampa. Guess that’s why they play the game.

And then there’s the Detroit vs Pittsburgh game…. Nothing more to say about Detroit other than to wonder if anyone should ever pick Detroit (can you believe Ivan Foley did?). It ended in a tie.

Finally BethTaulbee, who is this week’s first place winner, managed to beat out the rest of the competition without making all of her picks. That’s impressive work.

The winners for Week 10 in order are:

  1. BethTaulbee with 9 picks correct and 12 tie-breaking points
  2. Kelly Weber with 9 picks correct and 7 tie-breaking points
  3. Cowman1999 with 8 picks correct and 15 tie-breaking points

Honorable mention to Cory Williams for the Miami pick and BethTaulbee for taking the week without making all of her picks.

View the full results for Week 10.

BethTaulbee and Kelly please send your mailing address to ivan@plattecountylandmark.com so we can mail your prize to you.

Stay warm this week and don’t forget to make your Week 11 picks.

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