4th of July, D-Day and such

I‘d like to come clean. I’m not a fan of the 4th of July. It’s not the colors. Red and white are cool, and I can tolerate blue. Hot dogs are fine, if you like the remnants from the butcher floor placed on loaf of bread and I like parades and such.

However, I don’t understand fireworks. Oh, I’ve tried. I’ve bought them, sold them and shot them for myself, family and with friends. It just doesn’t make sense to 55-year-old me. They upset my dogs, they keep me awake at night and I doubt many of the people shooting them off even know why they are shooting them.

Don’t even get me started on the date. It’s kind of a pseudo correct date of our country’s Declaration of Independence, kind of like Dec. 25 isn’t Baby Jesus’ birthday. Some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence didn’t sign it until Aug. 2 of 1776. I don’t think Missouri even allows fireworks to be sold that late in the summer.

Anyway, the next few weeks are troubling times for those of us who don’t like to take hundred-dollar bills and light them on fire. Pray for us.

Don’t think I am unappreciative of the freedoms this country avails us. I’m acutely aware that we are lucky to enjoy the greatest country in the world. Each year around this time, I take in some of the D-Day stories from the beach of Normandy and it is simply amazing to me the character of the men and women that have fought for freedom around this world. I’m just not convinced a drunken redneck shooting bottle rockets is a fitting tribute to the noble efforts of those who came before us.

If you, or your kids or your neighbor have not read about D-Day, have them do it. It’s on Google and probably Tik-Tok and everything. It’s amazing, heartbreaking and an unbelievable concept to most of us that have never faced such danger and honor in one day.

Specifically, the most impactful and interesting back story of D-Day is the Normandy American Cemetery. It is a cemetery in France that was established by the US Army in 1944. It is the first American Cemetery on European soil. It is 172+ acres and there are over 9,000 soldiers buried there. Most lost their lives in the D-Day landings and ensuing operations to win World War II.

Over 1,000,000 people visit the cemetery each non-COVID year. France owns the land of the cemetery but has provided the United States a special, perpetual concession to the land, free of charge or tax to honor the forces.

Just reading about this special place would honor our independence more than setting off another Chinese made mortar out of a cardboard chute; but you do you.

Woah! It looks like my grandpa wrote those first two stanzas of this column. What a stick in the mud I have become.

My grandpa would be approximately 110 today and while we both probably don’t care for Chinese munition celebrations, we would both like you to celebrate Independence Day with a cold beer, some family and a few thoughts about how we got here.

With all that in mind, you have approximately three weeks to reach President Biden’s vaccination goals to be able to celebrate Independence Day. According to the “science” this is when we should be able to gather safely, never mind the fact we have been gathering safely for months.

Dr. Fauci and Sleepy Joe have assured us that if we all get the shot we can gather on the 4th of July and shoot Chinese munitions in the air and drink beer and hug our friends, neighbors and neighbors’ wives.

Just follow the science and we will all be fine.

(Guy Speckman can be reached at gspeckman@me.com or preparing for a fireworks show on Aug. 2)

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