The MCC proposal makes sense


I am a resident and taxpayer in the Platte R-3 school district, and I urge voters to consider carefully the April 6 ballot measure from Metropolitan Community College (MCC).

This is a very important decision, as it will allow for our community to receive a significantly lower tuition rate, making higher education more accessible and affordable. Once we become part of the MCC district, our tuition at the college will decrease by almost 50 percent. Attending college shouldn’t be a financial burden; however, many of us are faced with this challenge. This is why I will be voting yes on the MCC ballot measure.

As a grandmother with a grandchild living in my home, I personally saw the impact that MCC, Maple Woods had on my granddaughter’s life. Fortunately, she had A+ dollars to offset tuition; however, many students don’t have A+.

MCC provides lifelong learning for people of all ages. If I decide to take photography classes, with the cost of the additional equipment and the current out-of-district tuition, it would not be affordable for me as a retired individual. That’s why I will be voting yes.

Also, there is great demand for people with advanced skills in the Kansas City region who can solve the complex problems our communities are facing. If we pass this ballot measure, our community will have a greater opportunity to develop the skills needed to secure these in-demand jobs. The MCC ballot measure will provide our community with a competitive advantage in the workforce that will give us a greater chance to attract and retain top employers.

Finally, many of you know someone who went to MCC to take their “basics.” Now, MCC classes seamlessly transfer to any four-year university. So, students can take the first two years at a reduced tuition rate, stay close to home, and then transfer to a four-year school.

This just makes sense. I hope you will join me in voting yes on the MCC ballot measure on April 6.

–Mary Reynolds

Kansas City

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