Local elections, mowing, Eric R. Greitens

I feel like a lot of us are short-changed on our initials. I see lots of lawyers that use an initial in their name. Why is that a lawyer thing? Why can’t plumbers use their initials? You see stuff like G. David Smith, Attorney at Law. You ever seen G. David Smith, plumber? Me neither. I’m not sure how this happened, but I think the rest of us should start using our initials to their full potential. Initials have feelings too. I think.

Speaking of plumbers, I am a little concerned for the Bob Hamilton group. You remember, Bob, great commercials, ran for Kansas Senate trying to ride the Donald J. Trump coattails and lost. He garnered 19% of the vote. The coattails were apparently tattered and not suitable for riding.

During the campaign, the infamous radio and television commercials for his plumbing and heating and air conditioning company began to feature his son Hunter Instead of Bob. It seemed as though the transition was in place for Hunter to become the face and voice of the Bob Hamilton enterprise. Nope! I haven’t heard poor Hunter for months. As soon as Bob got whipped in the election, he was back on the local airwaves with “your wife is hot” and “Better call Bob” type commercials and Hunter was a goner.

Not sure why this bothers me but I kind of feel sorry for Hunter. Hope all is well.

Local elections on April 6th. Please vote. I remain shocked year in and year out at the froth that people work themselves into over federal and state elections yet ignore local elections.

I don’t align with Congressman Emanuel Cleaver on nearly any political issues, but I once attended a speech of his that has stuck with me. He explained that the most impactful elected position he had held was Mayor of Kansas City. He explained that as Mayor, he had direct impact on people’s lives. A stop sign here, a nuisance cleaned up, things that mattered to people’s everyday lives.

That applies to all local elections. Schools, cities and counties are much more impactful on your day-to- day life than who is President of the United States, yet people rarely invest themselves in local elections.

Anyway, go vote. It’s a relatively simple process, despite claims otherwise.

Mowing season begins soon. I have a love hate relationship with mowing. In the spring, I can’t wait to mow. No one bothers me, I listen to some Royals and mow beautiful Missouri spring grass and it’s the equivalent of driving a boat through calm waters to me. Then the summer rages on and my grass begins to die and take on a new texture that makes my “calm water” feeling turn to a near rage. Then mowing becomes like driving a boat through Platte River bottom ground.

Your role in this is to simply tolerate this roller coaster. I should be bragging about mowing for approximately 30-45 days. Then you won’t hear much and then by late summer, I will be complaining about “too much rain” or “too little rain” like an angry farmer.

Eric R. Greitens is running for Senate. This makes my day. He is the ultimate Republican dilemma. Takes nearly every traditional conservative stance that makes the red in Republicans happy. Yet, his personal failings left an opening for his political opponents to drive a truck through when he was Governor. His opponents are already starting that truck up to make another run through the opening. He is running on his Navy Seal background and will undoubtedly make new commercials with guns and him jogging, which are like red stater porn and it will be glorious.

Can voters forget his personal failings in favor of his political stances? Can the Republican money establishment keep from trying to crush him again? Most importantly, will he start to use his initial in his campaign? I highly recommend “Eric R. Greitens” instead of “Eric Greitens” as a little change of pace that might sway a voter or two.

(Guy Speckman can be reached at gspeckman@me.com or watching Eric Greitens commercials on loop)

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