Mail-in votes and Ross Perot charts,

Vote by mail

This is a mask free column. Enjoy the air.

We have approximately 90 days to get this year turned around. Going to be a bit of a challenge in my opinion. I’m a tad skeptical that this election will bring us together much and the most recent history of everything 2020 indicates that some sort of catastrophic winter is headed our way. I’m no Katie Horner or Bryan Busby, but I’d stock up on ice melt and such. Might even get you one of those fancy Generac Generators in case Mother Nature, the local Health Department or some other obscure government official quarantines us again; no use getting cold.

Asking for a friend. Can we vote in Joe Biden’s Twitter account but Donald Trump as the actual President? Seems like that would make the next four years less of a roller coaster for Americans that don’t care for roller coasters but also oppose letting rioters take over our cities.

Don’t at me with your nuanced view of the Presidential race. This is going to be the craziest election we have ever seen. You can’t spin the crazy out of this thing. Man, I miss Ross Perot and Michael Dukakis.

I voted for Ross Perot. I liked his flow charts. He lost.

I literally do not understand the mail in vote issue. I really don’t. How did it become so hard to vote in present day America? The answer is that it did not. The issue is that people have always been too lazy and uninterested to vote. Many of my friends are those people. Absentee voting is a relatively pedestrian task in most counties in this country, yet it is widely underused. Registering to vote is simple, yet generations of people have never performed the simple task.

Citizens have mostly not cared enough to vote and that will continue to be the case. However, we have a new generation of thought that ignores the time-tested proverb of you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. The reason that is a proverb and people wrote it down and the Proverb Police approved it is because it is true. You can open up all of the NBA venues and put a mailbox on every corner of every city street, hire all of the poll workers you want and send out all the ballots that can fit on a FedEx truck, but people will still not vote unless you get them motivated.

Until BOTH parties bring candidates and ideas to the table that motivate the electorate, we will continue to get these efforts to make it “easier” to vote and instead we will get votes from those less invested and less interested that still fall short of true nationwide mandates for candidates or ideas.

Patrick Mahomes will throw the football in an NFL game this week. People will wear masks and Arrowhead won’t be full, but maybe, just maybe this is another step to the end of this whole thing, and we can go back to arguing over the flu shot or Eric Fisher’s pass protection or other worthwhile topics.

(Guy Speckman can be reached at or going through Ross Perot flow charts)

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