Cops and kids event is tuesday evening in Platte City

Cops and Kids event set Tuesday in Platte City.  Games, free food, music, displays and more

A​ free event in downtown Platte City will give youngsters–and adults, as well–the chance to get to know police officers, city employees and elected officials.

The event is known as Cops and Kids and will be held from 5-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13 on Main Street in downtown Platte City.

There will be games, free food, music, displays, booths and plenty of opportunities to get to know public servants and others in the community.

KC Wolf, the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs, will be on hand to roam, pose for photos and interact with attendees.

The Platte City Police Department will have a dunk tank with attendees invited to throw a ball at a target that would cause a local volunteer to be dropped into a tank of water below.

Various local folks will serve as the volunteer ‘dunkees,’ taking their shifts sitting atop the collapsing seat. Among those agreeing to be dunked by accurate-throwing participants thus far are Platte County R-3 School Superintendent Mike Reik and Ivan Foley of The Landmark Newspaper.

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