Locations for planned street improvements as part of the Transportation Capital Project (TCP) in Platte City have been announced.
The TCP is the city’s street maintenance program and is intended to maintain the quality of city owned roads, streets and sidewalks at a high level, DJ Gehrt, city administrator, says.
The planned scope of work this year is brush-depth mill and overlay of 1.35 lane miles on Fox Run Trail, Pleasant Hill Drive, Rolling Hills Drive and Willow Terrace.
In addition, plans are for full length removal and replacement of 5,772 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter on Fox Run Trail, Pleasant Hill Drive and Willow Terrace. Also included in the plan is removal/replacement of about 200 linear feet of curb sections on Rolling Hills Drive and Baker Ridge Circle.
“When this year’s work is complete, all street surfaces in Platte Valley Estates, except Baker Ridge Circle, will have been overlaid within the past five years,” Gehrt said.
The Platte Valley Estates subdivision is located not far from the Price Chopper store in Platte City.
The city’s annual street maintenance program generally consists of asphalt mill and overlay, crack sealing and concrete curb/gutter replacement. The maintenance program goals are to provide a generally smooth street surface with no potholes, major cracks or ailed pavement areas.
The city’s long term work plan to maintain the desired street maintenance outcome is to conduct ongoing minor repairs with a each street receiving a full asphalt mill and overlay at least once every 15 years.
The 2018 street maintenance project went beyond the mill and overlay standard to complete a full-depth replacement on Maple Drive between Thomas and Gates Drives.
Freeman Concrete and Construction submitted the only bid for the projects.
Specifications for base bid specified Type II virgin asphaltic material with an alternate for recycled Type II asphaltic material. Freeman’s base bid is $228,398.98.
Accepting the alternate bid to use recycled asphalt reduces the contract cost by $9,430.80 to $218,968.18.
Gehrt said the city has used recycled asphaltic material on previous street projects with good results, and staff is comfortable with the use of recycled material.
Gehrt said both the base and alternate bids exceeded the budget appropriation for the project. Staff identified the following options for subcommittee consideration:
1. Accept base bid or alternate bid and direct staff to identify budget cost savings in other planned capital projects.
2. Accept base bid or alternate bid and recommend budget amendment to increase expenditure authority in the Transportation Capital Fund (361) by $17,500 to fully fund the project.
3. Reduce project scope to bring total costs in line with budget appropriation.
4. Re-bid project; although this option would cause significant project delay.
The subcommittee recommended, and the full board of aldermen agreed, approving budget amendment increasing Fund 361 expenditure authority by $17,500 and awarding the contract to Freeman Brothers based on the alternate bid (use of recycled asphalt) in the amount of $218,968.18.