Our latest Landmark Live episode with Royals public address announcer @MikeMcCartney. Hosts Ivan Foley and Brad Carl chat it up with the always fun McCartney of Platte Woods, talk a lot of Royals, throw in a little Platte County political discussion, and offer NFL Locks of the Week. Thanks to the crowd that came out and thanks to the good folks at Tanner’s Platte City for piping the audio from our show throughout the restaurant. Give it a watch.
Four seats open on Platte City board
CANDIDATE FILING PERIOD OPENS DEC. 10 Four seats on the Platte City Board of Aldermen will be up for grabs at the spring election in April. Filing for potential candidates opens on Dec. 10 at 8 a.m. and will end...
Brad Carl “Cheryl”
Yay Mike