On Sunday at 3 pm for the first time ever we go spelunking into the basement/crawl space below our building in The Landmark’s Basement Reveal. You can watch it live on Ivan Foley’s Facebook page. Here’s a preview.
Swedish Pirate; oceanfront property; Make March Madness Great Again
I wasn’t there so can’t confirm but I’m starting to get the impression Landmark columnists Speckman and Kamler failed to show last Saturday for the Undies Race through Downtown Kansas City that I signed them up for recently. I didn’t...
This is really interesting. Where did you post the actual exploration?
Aunt Nora Larey wrote ‘items’ for the “Landmark” for so much a word. She got her news mostly by eaves dropping on our party line in Tiffany Springs. She also became rich doing same for Parkville “Gazette”.